Change Is Hope!


I failed today at Walmart helping a handicap man. I did work ardently getting him help, and double indemnity prevailed, due to the intense heat bearing down into my car, where my service animals might succumb. The immediate task at hand, a stranger who could not verbalize or walk on his own, yet he communicated “I need help, I can’t walk” was clear! I was the second person he had appealed to.

I stormed into Walmart, asked customer service to help this man, “where are the automatic carts for the disabled? (I was told they were not working.) “Why NOT? Get one running! This is a service you state you provide, why are you so lack lustered?” One person said she would find a manager. “When and how long?” came tumbling out of my mouth, it is hot outside and the man is in dire need!”  Walmart carts “ARE DISABLED FOR THE NEEDS OF THE DISABLED!”  I did not relinquish, yet the thought of my service animals in my car pounded in my heart. I was furious, (apathy once more) and deeply concerned for both!

In the parking lot, a person in dire need of help, who do we ask? Does any employee give a damn at Walmart? “He is pleading for help, and none of you are helping him!” Running outside, I stated to the man – a manager has been called. He said “Thank you” with his head stooped downward from exhaustion. Did I believe they found a resolution? NO!  Yet how could I handle two potential extreme needs, the extreme heat potentially causing an agonizing death of my service animals and a dear man truly requiring assistance.

By the time I drove through the parking lot with both service animals safe, the man’s car was gone. Did he receive the help he was hoping for? My heart grieved. I was left empty!


We all have choices in life to make, if we all pitch in and help one person each day – could we have a better world? Yes! Hope, is a meal or a blanket for critically homeless! Be kind, anyone is subjected to pandemonium in the US these days. Worse, apathy has become our own sinking Titanic!

The nemesis of circumstances hits everyone sooner or later. Few escape life’s ironies, they are the consequences of living. Yet our destinies holds strong, facing our lives.

At times there are doctors who are able to help, other times medical staff are overwhelmed by needs and do not see possibilities. As I categorically stated to a doctor who would not see the potential of my abilities; “You don’t know what I can do or can’t do in life. I do not know at this time, so quit telling me “You Can’t RECOVER!” Later I proved there was recovery from the impossible. A pivotal point in life, “Change Is Hope” as I have shared many times and, coined a phrase…


When catastrophic events consume life – the only remedy is change. We must change how we live, view each moment, possibly where we live, and the consumption of foods, knowledge and personal relationships. All change in degrees. We might need to move, and educate ourselves externally.

These moments are gripping. We grapple with our lives and become consumed, instead of separating each plausible section that are working, and, which areas we must change.

The Change in life is seen everywhere if we are willing to look. Seasons changed continually, now with a foreboding onslaught due to climate changes; these are our human creations! Are we willing to change in the slightest? “Recycle, Reuse, ReThink! Get off the porch chair and change our attitudes and way of living!”

These were the resounding words throughout the 70’s and 90’s! Major climate changes have engrossed our lives. Ocean pollution has caused a massive destruction for all marine life, also our food supply; it is toxic and deadly! Are we changing?

Major change is fraught with a mixture of agony and hard work, seldom is the change we seek a fun sport. Ask any athlete! Conscientious change is a hard daily process. There will be a thousand baby steps into quantum leaps. Each Changing moment we are willing to give offers a new perspective or new opportunity to build upon!

Some of the quantum leaps we must take are terrifying, yet we must stretch ourselves in this moment of Change if we want the HOPE to be energized in our personal lives. Or, have an effect in our overall world!  Quantum leaps may seem as potentially threats, possibly the worse decision in a lifetime. Instead, the “Change becomes the Hope” as “Turning points become our realities!”

Where is the HOPE? To all those struggling physically and emotionally; “Here Is Your Turning Point!”


How dare I say such words of Truth!  These are the tests of time, not that life is a test, rather a testament to our willingness to adapt! And in this adaptation abides our HOPE!

Hope is not a wish, nor a serendipitous thought that might come our way! HOPE, is work through the arduous change we seek!

What do we all wish to become or are we stagnated? Sitting and complaining, yet never taking action to our own created plight. These are vigorous words to consider.

Life stands still for no one! As seen in the primary photograph; a snowboarder who most likely caused the avalanche, working hard to out maneuverer the colliding snow bearing done the mountain.


Small exchanges to long conversations are a necessity every time we meet and greet each person and stranger. Being stirred by a smile or “hello” from a calming resonating voice which triggers oxytocin; such as Morgan Freeman. His relaxing voice echoes through the decades passed on without our cognitive knowledge, yet we find moments of listen pleasure. Echoing these moments of “Hope.”

Smiles also have similar effects – a moment leading us into a Déjâ vu, a visual we hope to never forget.

A slight nod of the head; greetings are a changing factor. Advancing ideas put into play with additional knowledge from each persons’ perspective; we expand. We generate sparks from our visual brain into sentences, speaking out, leaving nothing unsaid! We spark the intentions of Change! We all have the intrinsicness of Change to Hope!

What is the change we seek? The fraught secrets lay deep within, we may have forgotten. The ladened chaos has dampened our flame until the spark ignites! Change is a pivotal etheric moment with great potential.

Recently, I called a dear longtime friend, she was despondent and wish for me to speak; and I did with my wicked off beat sense of humor about life. The conversation started with a joke via my perception of our current world, as most scientist view many maladies with serious humor. This is where I explained to my friend after a delightful hour of diatribe conversation, laughing and sometimes sobs about physical conditions and how aliments takes over life.

The conversations continues for almost two hours, with lots of giggles and my friend preparing for what she dreaded with a renewed view.  Humor was the most important ingredient, and in life, humor can make the worse moments more than palpable, often time with a clearer sense of “this is not as bad as we perceived” notion. Our emotions are key factors in life, potentially not the horizon we currently view. The spectrum of “Hope” will add a multiple of rainbows in possibilities, rather dread.

Hope brings opportunities, and often hope comes in forms chaos we dread, for we only see one side – the entire spectrum has not been exposed.  Perhaps a sense of foreboding clamps our view of multiple angles – yet a still moment sparks all intersections of thought.


“Hope” is comprised when we reach the intended destination. And yet, are we done? Rest easy in the moments of triumphant for we all require moments of feeling safe. Safety augments encouragement. Rest easy for there comes another varying degree of tsunamis, and you will adapt more efficiently; IF you wish for your life to be wondrously enjoyed in the hammock of Change Is Hope!


Author ~ Keynote speaker who  lives in Colorado

For Speaking Engagements please email:

Books Authored: 

TBI & Concussion Understanding & Improvement: with Suggested Actions Towards Recovery Kindle Edition

Books In The Works:  “Brilliance Disrupted”  ~ “The Visitor” ~ “Homeless War”

MicheleElys All Copy Rights Reserved©

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