Rachmaninoff ~ Laughter ~ Delight

Imagine for a moment; sitting in a cafe serving delicious South American food, listening to Rachmaninoff ~ Rhapsody and hearing joyous laughter a scooch behind your back; two strangers enjoying their friendship!

The reality of this wondrous scenario is priceless and a rare jewel at any given moment in life. The reminiscent of pure joy and loving friendship. Both man and woman have resonant voices adding to my personal and hopefully others’ pleasure. Similarly, having the unique perchance enjoyment, listening to Morgan Freeman’s soothing voice in one’s presence.

Given this is a neighborhood cafe, I hope to enjoy their vocal music again, adding a deeper personal wish in developing more softly spoken friends who love to laugh in my life! There are few true unadulterated joys in life; voices and laughter along with the love of my dogs, are high on my list and hopefully on your contentment list.

Similarly, to this beautiful moment adding a bit of enraptured music of Ennio Morricone, or Mozart for the Brain. Our entire body and brain are filled with pleasure, music and laughter coupled with loving voices are the elements we cherish in the accompaniment of a delightful loving dog.

laughter ~ may we cherish the moments

These moments of joy are life’s’ pleasures and to expand the pleasures I have had many unforgettable memories in past days with my horses, dogs – cats and birds.

Riding off on my beloved Arabian horse with wind streaming through my hair, my dog Buddi a white Husky dog, joyously running alongside in early spring. The clouds of early Blue birds flock in, to nest and clutch a new seasons’ eggs. These times are infused into my hearts’ memories. And yet all are fleeting, for the next moments of life ~ what will they bring? An unknown factor, ergo I do cling to my beloved Cattle Dog, Aspen.

I share my Aspen, displaying her joy for frozen yogurt, later, running through the fields when riding or brushing down my Arabian horses from past years. Yet sorrowfully, both Arabian horses have passed on – a few years ago; sadness does not consume me, rather the continual bliss of aromas, laughter – soft voices and soulful music.

Having many videos of Aspen running through the fields, returning with a most gleeful smile while panting, then off again expressing the sheer pleasure of freedom, returning to share my Arabians’ alfalfa between his legs on the barn floor. Yes, all in a flash as I play a Colorado composers’ resonate Soul of Rememberance by Mary D. Watkins. The momentum of softly expressed love joyously intensifies, the air fills with crescendos builds amorously, taking flight into infinite blue sky and beyond.

hold tightly to momentarily PLEASURES



Author ~ Keynote speaker who  lives in Colorado

For Speaking Engagements please contact:  micheleelysspeaks@gmail.com

Books Authored: 

TBI & Concussion Understanding & Improvement: with Suggested Actions Towards Recovery Kindle Edition

Books In The Works:  “Brilliance Disrupted”  ~ “The Visitor” ~ “Homeless War”

MicheleElys All Copy Rights Reserved©





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