
Thank You!!


These simple words, expressing appreciation, yet my quest would  be cheated in discerning the depths of Gratitude’s meaning.

For I feel immense Gratitude!

Gratitude creates a sense of Joy to me!

Gratitude establishes love and care!

Gratitude always feels good!

Can be humbling in nature!

Gratitude puts a dance in our steps, a renewal in our commitments.

Promotes others to smile along with our skip, possibly joining.

Gratitude brings about Abundance in unfound means.

Or is Gratitude an Attitude and how many Attributes could be found?

Gratitude is an act expressed in all of life.  From people, animals, children, plants growing bountifully; people shine with smiles, relationships easily deliver consummate care.

When my orchids bloom for the second time in a year, I am filled with exuberance, tenderness in watching such delicacy.

Gratitude brings a feeling of fulfillment and joy, for however long the moments!

 Gratitude is Pure.

There are no substitutes, yet many characteristics.

Gratitude is a Quiet Choice!

Often by way of singular care ~ overwhelmed with tears!

Gratitude is an “Investment that Gains”

A deep sense of fulfillment, a simple smile that lingers inside, a memory treasured.

As I came closer to this new year, 2018, Gratitude filled me with new friends; my quest deepened to hear how others perceived Gratitude.

What would occur in life for any one person to experience Gratitude?

Where did they find Gratitude?

What were the attributes of Gratitude?

Many offered great pearls of wisdom! Most every comment brought a smile to my face.

Some have shown me great Gratitude this week, as I was contemplating my “chosen” subject.

Many found Gratitude in religion, found Gratitude in their children, their jobs, or having immense love shared; giving to others! A tear that might appear in a stranger’s eyes when assisting. A friend in need as their shoulder was touched in support, Gratitude was clearly present.

A “Thank You” delivered with a lovely ribbon framed Gratitude. “Thank You” can be

  • used it in rebuttal.
  • used to show appreciation.”
  • used to manage conflict.
  • used in recognizing the efforts of others.

Yet, there was a longing to go deeper!!

I could never forget the simple words of Gratitude stated from a friend: “Yours is an acquaintanceship that touches the heart! I was moved to tears reading these words, in utter ignorant shock.

In the simple moments of life, a surprise; words and actions linger in our hearts and mind, oft times from strangers. As this phrase was stated to me years ago, she touched my heart, I never forgot.

A strangers’ words touched lovingly, for I am a bit of a klutz walking around city sidewalks. A simple trip on the concrete, my hands immediately stopped my fall (thanks to many years of equestrian training). A lady filled with concern said: “I hope the only thing that is hurt might be your pride.” She made me giggle at my normal klutziness as I said “Thank You.”

I do remember how she cared in action and words, how I felt afterwards for a lifetime!

Gratitude is an attribute, liken to Appreciation, Humility, Honored, Vulnerability, Thankfulness and more. All a choice!

Attributes resonate everywhere in our spirits.  Where, in the depths of unimaginable appreciation develops and flourishes. And to find these depths is an astounding marvelous journey, for this is a place of Life in flawless Happiness.

Look up into the starry night painted of blue and yellow gold; there are many living in bright cities, who never see these twinklings. 

Walking along a beach, the tide comes gently washing across our feet, chilly yet comforting, through the bubbles in salt water, leaving bubbles of air in the sand. Each air bubble is Life!

The Dolphins who swim along the bow of ships, leaping-diving in utter joy. Swimming with their family pods, strong with elders and newborns alike, one never forgets the sight of Joyish rapture!

When my Orchids bloom twice yearly, all in an array of colours, deep inside I marvel at exquisite beauty; Gratitude touches me once again.

And so, Gratitude is pastoral and lies deeper, possibly an anomaly of it’s own aberration.

Watching animal life beseeches wonder!

If we allow ourselves to experience the phenomenon of Joy!

Remembering my two Arabians and how much they loved each other.

They playfully ran over green pastures through trees, thundering hooves, coming to greet me as I came home.

Sudden Halting Powerful Bodies, Snot, Tails Flagged high, lowering their proud beautiful heads greeting me with Gentle Joy, kissing my cheeks.

Was this Joy, Love, Adoration, Acceptance?

Watching my Sädé playing with SimSai our cat, she is half blind yet there is Joyfulness in all of her days of play. She Gulps breakfast and dinner, looks up at me with an inquisitive smile; “are we going to see our Arabian?”


Gratitude and Joy are a couple working in tandem.

Just as Thank and You! Words conjoined forever in our experiential world.

What of all the attributes? Are they all part of Respect and Gratitude?

A new customer telling us, “Thank You, I will be back, you have a new customer for the great service.”

All we might be giving, is our innate natural common courtesy.

Those who recognize the appreciative attributes of our caring, display Gratitude!

A gesture, momentarily, yet remembered possibly for a lifetime.

Be Joyfilled and show your Gratitude!

Welcome 2018!!!


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About the Author: MicheleElys is a Neurobehaviorist ~ Writer ~ Educator ~ Keynote Speaker.

Concussions are a huge drain in the workplace!” 4-6 week training program relieving the agony of TBIs and concussions. 

Founder of NBR [neural behavior recognition]. A recovery model for Trauma/TBI Improvement, Recovery to maintenance, Need a Consult? Connect with MicheleElys email LinkedIn, 

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